
I was listening to the Billy Joel channel on Sirius radio this past weekend and he was talking about his song, “Lullaby”. He said that when his daughter was young, and he was going through his divorce, she asked him about death: what would happen to her if he should die? He explained to her that any time she sang one of his songs, he would always be there in her heart, and that he would live on through her (paraphrased since my short term memory issues don’t allow me to remember the exact words!). Of course, I’ve heard similar stories before, and certainly everyone talks about how our loved ones are always with us. I totally get that, but for some reason, this story really struck me, and I thought a lot about it these past few days.  Maybe it’s because it was paired with this beautiful music.  (By the way, there are so many songs on this Billy Joel channel that I have never heard before!  Was I living under a rock??)  Anyway, since it’s bedtime, here’s the link to Lullaby.

Goodnight, my angel
Now it’s time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry
And if you sing this lullabye
Then in your heart
There will always be a part of me

Someday we’ll all be gone
But lullabyes go on and on…
They never die
That’s how you
And I
Will be

And so with my mom, she does live on through us with every recipe, with every picture.  With every tradition, every memory.


Some quick notes on my blog… In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been trying to work on the format.  Since I only slapped it together when I started in August 2012, I thought it needed a face lift if I was going to stick around a while.  So you will notice the new tabs across the top.  I still need to go back and categorize 350 or so posts, but I will do a little at a time.  This way it will be easier if you are want to peruse recipes or are looking for something a little more specific. Additionally, I’ve created links to some of the best resources I have used (and will continue to add), and links to a few of my favorite blogs under “friends”.

For those of you with a Facebook account, please “like” my new FB page “Lights Cancer Action”. And lastly, thank you to my new book “WordPress: the missing manual”, I have finally figured out how to do hyperlinks.  omg.  I’m an idiot and can’t believe it took me this long… but it works differently than I have used the functionality elsewhere, so I am going easy on myself.  But really.  🙂


IMDb Lullaby (2008)

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